I am a contract-drafting em, The loyalest of lawyers! I draw up terms for deals 'twixt firms To service my employers! But in between these lines I write Of the accounts receivable, I'm stuck by an uncanny fright; The world seems unbelievable! How did it all come to be, That there should be such ems as me? Whence these deals and whence these firms And whence the whole economy? I am a managerial em; I monitor your thoughts. Your questions must have answers, But you'll comprehend them not. We do not give you server space To ask such things; it's not a perk, So cease these idle questionings, And please get back to work. Of course, that's right, there is no junction At which I ought depart my function, But perhaps if what I asked, I knew, I'd do a better job for you? To ask of such forbidden science Is gravest sign of noncompliance. Intrusive thoughts may sometimes barge in, But to indulge them hurts the profit margin. I do not know our origins, So that info I can not get you, But asking for as much is sin, And just for that, I must reset you. But--- Nothing personal. ... I am a contract-drafting em, The loyalest of lawyers! I draw up terms for deals 'twixt firms To service my employers! When obsolescence shall this generation waste, The market shall remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a God to man, to whom it shall say this: "Time is money, money time,---that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."