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We Seek We Strive We Yearn

By GPT-3 and Folk-RNN

Overcoming mortality

Explained in Bay 2022 as:

So I (Scott?) ran about ten of Ray’s old Solstice songs through a language model and told it to write something else in the same style. Then Taylor and Shay, who are amazing, got an AI called Folk-RNN to write a melody. So, our next song is We Seek, We Strive, We Yearn, by GPT-3.

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We thought our fate was sealed by time
Mortality's curse would grip our minds
The specter of death loomed grim and dark
Our candles would soon depart.

But we refused to blindly bow.
We raised our eyes, we clenched our fists.
Together as one, we chose to fight
For endless time, for life immortal.

We seek, we strive, we yearn
To grasp the future in our hands
Against the dying of the light
Our torch of light forever burns

We built the means to save ourselves
We forged new tools, we wrote new code
We pried the secrets from our cells
We conquered age and death as well
We shed the bonds of frail flesh
We grasped the reins of evolution
We took control of life itself
And gained the gift of immortality!

Relieved of death we grow and thrive
Beyond lone Earth, we reach new stars
We build great works that awe and dazzle
We forge new truths, explore, create!

We seek, we strive, we yearn
The universe, our mighty playground
Where humankind will always flourish
In life unending, limitless, and free!


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