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Half Monkey, Half God

By Nate Soares (abridged)

Look at yourself. What do you see?

I see bundles of proteins and lipids arranged in a giant colony of cells, their lives given over to the implementation of a wet protein computer that thinks it’s a person.

I see fractal patterns that arise on precisely the right sort of planet when you pour sunlight into it for a billion years.

I see wiggles in the Sun’s wake, that struggle to understand the universe. Incomprehensibly large constructs made of atoms, yet unnoticeably small on the scale of galaxies.

Look at us, the first species among the animals that can figure out what the stars are, yet still tightly bound to impulse and social pressure. (Notice how silly it is, monkeys acting all serious and wise as they try to affect the course of history.)

Look at us: half monkey, half god; towering below the stars.

Look at whatever quest you’ve taken on, you who was forged by the death of your father’s brothers and now claims dominion over the future. Acknowledge that what you’re trying to do is difficult. Turn the monkey sight on yourself, and see the lost monkey who’s trying to steer an entire universe…

and say hello. Check in with the monkey. See how it’s doing.

Steering the future is a difficult thing. The world is large beyond comprehension, and the monkey wasn’t really built for this. The monkey isn’t really used to this sort of thing, and it can be pretty hard to work with sometimes.

Let the monkey know that you have its back. Let it know that you’ll still have its back, even if it gets ornery or difficult or depressed. Through thick and thin, let you know that you have your support; that even when you screw everything up, you’ll stand by yourself, and help you through the mess, and help you figure out how to do better in the future.

See if you can resolve to work with yourself. Like so many others before you - you can do powerful things, if you work together.
