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Intro: Night Section

Okay, all that stuff we just did about x-risk and smallpox? That was the not-so-dark portion of this event. Now we’re getting into the night section.

I’ll be lighting these four candles, representing the four seasons. After each speech in this section, we’ll blow one of them out. After the last candle goes out, we’ll spend a minute in silence and darkness before moving on.

The Night section is is about death, and traditionally supposed to make you as miserable as possible. I’ve taken that really seriously and if you don’t want to sit through this you are valid and this is your chance to leave.

Last year people complained that they felt vague social pressure not to leave. So this year, I’ve placed some plants in the audience and asked them to leave at the end of this speech. I’m not telling you how many. Most of the people who leave for this part will be plants, but if you actually want to leave, hopefully the plants will provide you with social cover.

As we sing Bitter Wind Lullaby, I’d like all audience plants and people who genuinely would prefer to skip the night section to leave the auditorium. We’ll let you know when it’s time to come back in. Those of you who are staying - please hold your applause from now until we reach Dawn.
