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Schelling Game

By Rivka Fleischman & Maia Werbos

This is a game about coordination, to be played before the main ritual as an icebreaker.

Estimate your number of attendees and your desired average group size– e.g. if you expect 40 attendees, and want groups of 4 on average, select 10 categories.

Pass out handouts with each category and ask attendees to take a randomly selected one as they come in.

Their task is to find other attendees with the same category, then each person tries to think of an item in the category they expect the others will also pick. They reveal their choices at the same time to see if they succeeded.

Optional: at the start of the ritual, ask attendees to share their experience in their group.

Suggested handout text for attendees

Find other people with the same category as you. Secretly, think of an item from the category. Try to pick the same one as everyone in your group. Reveal what you picked and see how you all did! Your category is:

Some category ideas
