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Well, Will Somebody?

By Daniel Speyer

We just sang “Somebody Will”. Earlier we sang “No one will”. Those of you who notice such things are probably wondering: “Well, will somebody?”

Or as Ray put it last year:

“What’s the deal with the stars?”

The first half of the Solstice is very concrete. We’re talking and singing about real history, real people, real problems that they faced. We delve into messy questions…

…and then the second half of the Solstice doesn’t answer those questions.

If I had an answer I’d just tell you. The plainest thing I can say is: the outside view gives hope. The struggles of the past looked from the inside as dark as our struggles look from the inside today, and people like us overcame them.

It’s a nonconstructive sort of hope, as the mathematicians would say. It doesn’t tell us how we might prevail. All I can say to that is that it will take work.
